Ingrown Nails


Ingrown toenails can form when the side of a toenail begins to grow into the flesh surrounding the nail. As a result, the affected toe—most commonly the big toe—may become red, swollen, painful, and—in severe cases—infected.

There are many reasons why an ingrown toenail may develop. Improperly cutting your toenails is a major cause of ingrown toenails. If toenails aren’t cut straight across or are cut too short, the likelihood of getting an ingrown toenail may increase. Other causes include having unusually curved toenails, wearing shoes that don’t give your toes an ample amount of space, and hereditary factors. Injuring the toe by stubbing it or having an object fall on it may also lead to ingrown toenails. If left untreated, an ingrown toenail can lead to further complications with the foot.

If you are someone who has diabetes, it’s extremely important to remain mindful of ingrown toenail prevention, as minor cuts or simple scrapes can lead to serious complications. You can prevent ingrown toenails by ensuring toenails are straight across and at a moderate length, wearing shoes that fit properly, and checking feet daily for signs of foot issues.


Symptoms include pain, redness, swelling, difficulty wearing shoes on the nail border.

Treatment Options

Treatment for an ingrown toenail will vary on a case by case basis. One form of treatment requires cutting the corner of the nail which is digging into the skin. Another method for a more severe case would involve partially removing the nail. For cases that need extreme care, the nail itself and tissue would have to be removed.

If you’d like more information about ingrown toenails, we recommend you consult with a podiatrist who can give you a proper diagnosis and go over your treatment options.

Frequently asked questions

Is there a correct method of cutting my toenails to prevent ingrown toenail?

One of the main reasons for ingrown toenails due to cutting the toenails too short. Cutting them too short or curving the edges can cause the toenail to dig into the skin which can become ingrown toenails. Toenails should be cut straight across leaving some length to their toenails, so that they have a free edge hanging off the nailbed.

Can Certain shoes lead to highier change of ingrown toenails?

Shoes that can cause a pressure point on the nails can lead to the possibility of ingrown toenails. These shoes are usually pointy and narrow in the front toe region cover and also high heels which increase the pressure on the toes. You would like to wear shoes which have a wider toe box (the part of where the toes are) so that your toes have room move.

Is this what I have?

This is just a one of the thousands of possible issues our feet can have. Unfortunately many of the symptoms are similar for many pathologies, pain being the most common symptom of all. Therefore it is imperative to see a professional as soon as possible for an accurate diagnosis and the proper treatment.